Read The Statement Below:

Due to the fact that the contents of this system are digital downloadable products that people will be able to download onto their computer hard drive, I cannot provide refunds. I will replace any defective items. You see, digital thief is a huge problem. All someone has to do is just download the contents within the members' area onto their hard drive and immediately ask for a refund without even attempting to use the system. By doing this, that individual is able to get his or her money back while still having the files stored their hard drive. I lose, while the thief wins.

Product theft is a very serious issue for all digital products. I've work extremely hard to put this incredible system together and I don't want people to steal it. Would you like if you work for several months trying to something together and someone just stole it from you? Of course not.

Also, the leads that I will be using to send the letter to people for you will be purchased from a third party immediately after you purchase the system. This third party will not issue refunds on the leads that I purchase which will help you get started. Therefore, I can't get my money back if I issue a refund. As a result, this is another reason why I can't offer you a refund.

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